BLASPHEMIC CRUELTY (USA) "Crucible Of The Infernum" - CDs
BLASPHEMIC CRUELTY (USA) "Crucible Of The Infernum" - CDs
Blasphemic Cruelty is a project formed by former Angelcorpse guitarist Gene Palubicki that includes Ares Kingdom vocalist/bassist Alex Blume. That kind of pedigree would lead you to believe they'd be all about bashing out some good old-fashioned Florida Death Metal, and you'd be right on the money. You get the expected thrashy, slightly technical riffing and relentless blasting speed, and it's all topped off with Blume's vicious vocals and some startlingly good drumming courtesy of skin basher Gina Ambrosio. There's not more to it than that, and I can't say the songs have many identities to them, but why are you wasting your time looking for useless things like depth? We're here to party like nothing past Blessed Are the Sick matters, and Blasphemic Cruelty certainly has us covered there. If you're still not over the demise of Angelcorpse, then this should help scratch that itch.
Weight: 100 grams.